This morning I just want to give thanks for the incredible community we have here in the Rehoboth area. We had an incredible weekend with friends old and new.
Beginning on Thursday, we joined the animal-loving supporters of the Saved Souls Animal Rescue at Murph’s, played Trivia with the Crab Cakes at the Pond, danced with dozens of women and men to the honeyed sounds of Viki Dee, enjoyed old-fashioned small town fun at the Sea Witch parade on a crisp fall day, gathered with big-hearted people to support the Way Home prison ministry, celebrated the Good News with Father Max on Sunday morning, celebrated the life of a friend’s mother on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean, and ended the weekend at an anniversary gala, hosted by long-time friends.
We value our community deeply and cherish our relationships with all the good-willed people who always come through to help those in need, who stand together for life’s celebrations and heartaches, who share our outrage when powerful people abuse power, who work tirelessly to make the world a better place, who know how to have a good time, and who strive to appreciate every drop of joy they are blessed with.
We moved to the beach seeking a stronger sense of community, and we found it. Life is good. Thank you all.